My purpose in designing a STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art & Mathematics) lessons and curriculum is multifaceted. These activities help to develop students into citizen scientist that are constantly curiously questioning the world around us, while striving for greatness. The direct experiences with STEAM skills present within the lessons of this site increases the opportunities for students to access and pursue STEAM careers in order to solve the world's challenges in the future. I also hope to inform the public on ways in which they can begin a STEAM course at their school, and display the importance of increasing STEAM opportunities for all, especially females and minorities.
Tech Education and LiteracyTechnology Education must start early. Access to technology is essential and prepares our students for the global world that lies ahead. If you provide your students with opportunities to use technology in meaningful ways in class, then they will gain 21st century skills. These skills can then prepare and equip your students for future careers in STEAM, which can assist in solving future worldly problems. In addition, these skills can also prepare students to be future entrepreneurs, innovators, and inventors.
STEAM is the future. STEAM increases math proficiency through data analysis. It is the application of the science and math curriculum that we as educators want our students to master.
Project Based LearningProject Based Learning (PBL) is essential to the learning process. PBL allows students time to experience new information, and construct knowledge as they progress through a project. PBL also allows students to apply the skills that they have learned to their writing and presentations in more meaningful ways than a more traditional approach to learning.